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Yoga Offers The Solution From Silent Killers Nowadays
Minggu, 17 Juni 2018, 16:05 WITA Follow



BERITABALI.COM, DENPASAR.,Denpasar. Yoga makes us a better individual in thought, action, and knowledge. It brings about oneness among mind, body, and intellect. Yoga offers the solution to relieve stress and depression which become silent killers nowadays. 
The Statement is revealed in the messages from the Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi in the event the 4th International Day of Yoga (IDY) which is organized by The Consulate General of India in Bali at the Lapangan Puputan Margarana Niti Mandala, Denpasar on Sunday, (17/6). 
Moreover he stated that Body is a temple of mind. Yoga creates a beautiful temple. Yoga is ideal for relaxation for mind and body. Yoga goes beyond boundaries of age, gender, religion, and nation. Yoga does not discriminate between anybody as all needed is willingness to practice it.  Yoga creates peace of mind. People who are in peace with themselves are in peace with others too. Such people build a harmonious nation and such nation build a harmonious world.
The Prime Minister, in his message, pointed out that Yoga is one of the most precious gifts given by the ancient Indian sages to humankind. It is said in the Bhagavad Gita “Samatvam Yoga Uchyate” which means Yoga is a state of equilibrium and equanimity. Yoga is not just a set of exercise but Yoga is a passport to health assurance, a key of fitness and wellness. Yoga is not only what we practice in the morning as doing our daily activities with diligence and complete awareness is also called Yoga. 
The event saw the participation of over 1,200 yoga enthusiasts who flocked to the ground in the early hours of Sunday to participate in one of the largest exercise of the kind.  They congregated as early as 5:30 am in the morning and included people from all age groups, all bound by a common thread, an earnest enthusiasm for yoga, a part of the mass movement that yoga has become in Bali.  They were eagerly looking forward to being a part of the historic event.  They were joined by members of the diplomatic corps, senior officials of the Provincial Government of Bali, fitness experts and media personnel to Indonesia.  
The International Day of Yoga is an initiative of the Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi, who in his address to the United Nations General Assembly on 27th September 2014, espoused the benefits of Yoga and proposed the adoption of an International Yoga Day.  India, supported by a record 175 co-sponsoring countries, including Indonesia, moved a resolution for adopting 21st June as the International Day of Yoga and, on 11th December 2014, the UNGA, passed the resolution supported by a record of 193 countries.  Thus, 21st June 2015 came to be observed as International Day of Yoga for the first time ever. The IDY 2017 in Bali last year saw the active participation of over 1,000 enthusiastic yoga practitioners.
Sister Sukreni of the Brahma Kumaris led a Universal prayer session.  The yoga session was led by Mr. I Gusti Raka Panji Tisna who has done much to propagate yoga in Bali along with Ms. Oka Rupadini, Ms. Anna Liparisa, and Ms. Satya Ratna Dharani from Art of Living and Seger Oger yoga communities in Bali. They started by warming up exercises and Surya Namaskar. Then came the Common Yoga Protocol which lasted 45 minutes.  The Common Yoga Protocol is a series of yoga positions devised to enable a layman to practice yoga without great difficulty.  
The yoga enthusiasts were welcomed by the Consul General of India in Bali, Mr. R.O. Sunil Babu. The Consul General welcomed the gathering and stressed on the importance of yoga in alleviating health problems and reducing stress through regular practice of yoga. He stated that he was happy to see that such a large number of people had gathered to practice yoga.  He thanked the Governor and his Government for the support and cooperation they had extended to the Consulate in organizing the IDY. He also thanked the people who worked tirelessly to help make the third International Day of Yoga such a grand success. 
The event came to its end by playing of Shanti Mantras as by doing yoga body is relaxed and by chanting Shanti Mantras it gives immense pleasure and peace to soul which has proved to be a stress buster in this modern hectic life style. (bbn/rls/rob)

Reporter: bbn/rls

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