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Governor of Bali: Bali Ready to Welcome Foreign Visitor, As Always
Selasa, 4 Februari 2020, 10:35 WITA Follow




The Governer of Bali, Wayan Koster, Stated that amidst the global corona virus outbreak, Bali is ready to welcome and accomodate visitors from all over the world. This is due to the good monitoring and handling system employed by the province, and has been in place for years, notably after SARS outbreak in 2003.

The statement of teh governor of "the island of the God" is put forward after he chaired special meeting of ramification of corona virus outbreak, especially its impact on the island tourism in Jayasabha, Monday 03 february 2020.

Accompanied by the Vice Governor Tjok Artha Ardhana Sukawari, The meeting was attended by all sectors and stakeholders of tourism, such as the province's departement of health, departement of transportation, departement of tourism, Ngurah Rai airport authority, Management of Airport Angkasa Pura, Quarantine, tourism association, and tourism experts of the island.

Based on the data and information discussed during the meeting, the statement further said Bali is safe as always, hence there is no reason at all for visitor to worry about, including on the issue of corona virus. There has been found no suspect of corona virus on the island.

The convincing statement of the governor is based on data by the head of the island's departement of Health. The Data show that out of 73.073 tourist from china arriving in Bali since 13 January to now, after an intensive observation, pnt 18 tourist were worthy of further observation. After intensive observation and laboratory test all of them are proven to be negative, meaning no one of thmen is suspect of corona virus.

"Bali is indeed very safe, and ready to welcome foreign visitors. As Always, Bali will provide world-class tourism products and of more importance is the high hospitality of the people that to worry at all," so says the governor.

The statement og the governor has its valid bases, as everyone knows that Bali is one of the most favorite tourism destination in the world. With its world class products and services, Bali is an award winning tourism destination. For example, for 13 years consecutively, Bali is awarded "The Best Island Destination" by Conde de Nash. Bali gains many destinationawards from numeorous international institutions, such as UNWTO, PATA, WTTC, ATF Tomes, just to mention but a few.    

Reporter: bbn/rls

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